The wonderful Dolores Keaveney recently sent me a copy of her latest publication, Huwie The Apple Tree. I've admired Dolores' work for a while now but this is definitely my favourite text of hers, yet.
Dolores is undoubtedly an incredible artist and the illustrations in many of her previous texts are known for their detail and particular attention to nature and wildlife. Huwie The Apple Tree is no different, the attention to detail leaps off the page, but this time the illustrations are more minimalistic yet manage to be even more striking. The use of the the stick figure as the protagonist allows the eye to be drawn even closer to the subtle use of colour in portraying details of the fledgling seed and its journey towards becoming a tree.
Without spoiling the story, in a beautiful and sentimental nod to her grandson Huw, Dolores has created the perfect little rhyming companion to a plethora of learning units on topics like growth, change, plant lifecycles, wildlife, mini-beasts, problem solving, patience, kindness, care and love.
Learn more or purchase a copy of the text via Dolores' website.
A delightful, new Irish publication that will no doubt earn a well-deserved spot in homes and classroom libraries in the coming months.
Congratulations Dolores!
(Suggested pitch: 3-7 year olds / preschool to 1st class! Though worth noting, the illustrations leave plenty of scope to explore the text at the senior end for a range of literacy learning elements across the strands; an ideal little mentor text for reading comprehension strategies like visualisation and inferencing or even an engaging stimulus for writing genres such as narrative, recount or persuasion! Definitely a handy little resource for a teacher's picturebook armoury!)
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